— meeting point of Russian Switzerland

Russian Switzerland is not just Russians who are Swiss residents. It comprises all Russian speaking people living and/or doing business in Switzerland. For them, is the meeting point, which publishes news on daily basis.
Deutsch: Kontaktform
What do? is a Switzerland’s leading Russian speaking online portal for professionals and persons with an interest in Switzerland, its financial sector and doing business and living here.
What does write about?
Daily, delivers real-time and constantly updated news about
- Swiss banks and companies,
- Wealth management and investment (gold, cryptocurrencies),
- Immigration into Switzerland,
- Swiss real estate,
- Taxation in Switzerland,
- Swiss politics,
- Education in Switzerland,
- relations to the EU.
Who reads
Our focus are Swiss and international business news and analytics. So, our audience consists of people who are interesting therein: bankers, businessmen, lawyers, professors, politicians, managers and so on. Readers of have significant disposable incomes.
Our audience has a higher than average interests in the following spheres:
- Financial Services/Banking Services
- Investment Services
- News & Politics
- Travel/Migration
- Real Estate/Residential Properties
- Jobs & Education
- Lifestyles & Hobbies
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